0472 752 725, 0422 035 825
Novel and Poetry Study
These classes focus on an extended analysis of either a work of narrative fiction or oeuvre of a poet. While our general writing classes focus on short reading, novel and poetry studies offer the opportunity for deep analysis of extended texts and authorial development throughout their work. In addition, both allow for targeted development of abilities critical for success in the OC Test, Selective High School Test, Scholarship, and HSC, such as analytical and persuasive reasoning and writing.
Novel Studies: Primary and Secondary:
For primary students, novel studies provide the opportunity to learn analytical techniques and reading habits that they might not otherwise be exposed to. Poetry studies for primary students focus on development of fundamental poetic analytical techniques; identifying and using techniques, for instance, and construction of simple poetry.
For secondary students, novel studies provide a chance to read and analyse difficult books with direct teacher support. Many students reach years 11 and 12 without the skills necessary to understand and analyse long form fiction, and may even encounter high level novels for the first time there. Novel studies help to develop confidence and ability in this area.
Poetry Studies: Primary and Secondary:
Poetry studies for beginner students focus on construction of analytical arguments, building on the fundamentals established through primary school. The course also requires students to create simple to intermediate poem activities and engage in discussion and analysis of each other’s work.
Poetry classes for secondary students focus on analysing and interpreting poetic techniques, along with construction of advanced poetic works.
Course Outlines and Schedules:
Novel Study:
Lessons are generally delivered over a two to three week period.
Each lesson involves reading and comprehension of the assigned text,
Lessons also have a specialised focus on individual components of the assigned text; for instance, character, setting, conflicts, or motifs of the work.
The final lessons of the module focus on extended critical thought: using the groundwork analysis established in the first lessons of the module, the students engage in analysis of the work as a whole.
Students also complete several creative and persuasive extended writing pieces throughout the module, which are marked and returned to them.
Schedule: Novel studies are run during the school holidays only.
Poetry Study:
Lessons are generally delivered over a two to three week period.
Each lessons focuses either on the oeuvre of a particular poet or on a particular poetic technique.
Students generally engage in both persuasive and creative work each lesson, with poems marked and discussed in class. Persuasive work is marked by the teacher after class.
Verbal discussion and auditory engagement with the poems assigned is a priority in this module.
Schedule: Poetry studies are run during the school holidays only.